This page will be an assortment of random calibration data for my 3d printer because I'm too lazy to get the g code for each of my slicers perfectly lined up.
Z Offset: -0.02mm
As Of: 7/4/2024
Z Offset: 0mm (!!!!) 😄
As Of: 8/21/2024
Notes: Z offset was adjusted via full leveling process and a 0.15mm feeler gauge @ 85c.
Distance: 6mm
Speed: 50mm/s
As Of: 7/4/2024
Notes: Maybe this can be improved? Looked good with OrcaSlicer but later tests (8/20/2024) with a different PETG mfr. show stringing @ 6mm distance
Distance: 4.2mm -> 5mm all seem acceptable
Speed: 50mm/s
As Of: 8/20/2024
Notes: None
Distance: 0.15mm
Notes: Measured using a feeler gauge. Bed leveling performed @ 85c for PETG (edges of bed are substantially cooler)